
Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

TDKR : Awesomeness is the only word that can describe!

If you haven’t seen Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, then you should! But my advice is to watch from the initiation of the installment which is Batman Begin in order to comprehend the whole idea of the epic closing. If you feel lazy, well a few flashback details can’t hurt you, I supposed.

I’m not a DC fanboy nor a Marvel’s. I am moviefora, ‘all the good movies’ fan. But if you find a ‘popcorn’ entertainment, with “punch line slash hi-tech action slash punch line” formula, better be lower your standard, or simply go watch the Avengers. I watched the Stark’s gang without expectation, fun in the process, sleep tight that night, and forgot in the following day. Yet different sensation is offered in TDKR. In a line with previous Nolan’s works, it is absolutely dark movie with intense storytelling, hyper-reality suspense and surprises. Rather than to seek joy, watching TDKR and its brothers is intended to enjoy the tortures to human psychology. This is why they omit ‘Batman’ word in the movie title since it is not designed for young audiences. The hero is visualized as weak, vulnerable, in despair and is signified as the ‘bad' guy: while the antagonist is strong, unbeatable, and righteously forces to amend the law should be pure and raw, not based on lies (as Batman and Jim Gordon conspired in Harvey Dent’s death in TDK). This is modified implementation of Aristotle’s Mimesis and Jean Baudrillard’s theory of Hyper-reality. It brings confusion to the audience though Bruce Wayne's intention was good, yet can his outlaw action be justified? The ‘purging effect’ comes after pity and fear. As it could be enjoy sweetly right on the ‘dénouement’ phase. It brought me tears of joy as well as pain when the movie ends. And sadly, it made me wide awake tonight. I missed Gotham already. 

Detached from the movie, many fans stormed out. Flaming on every bad review written for this movie. I can’t agree on verbal aggression though. Yet I have to disagree with the critic who said that the terror caused by Heath Ledger’s (deceased) Joker in The Dark Knight was way much better than all the threats the TDKR combined. I can’t see the point of negative review by comparing acting quality with the dead. What must be appreciated, I think, is Nolan has successfully maintained his quality in movie-directing. Many big-budgeted movie franchises (non-novel adaptation) has flopped its level as we saw in Transformer 2 and Transformer 3. And It took 4 years to finish this installment, proof that Nolan’s idealism in making a fine masterpiece is not merely money orientation, but also his idealism as movie engineer. And it is obvious that the director’s darlings that are predicted to constantly cooperate in his future film are the finest as Christian Bale (the Prestige, Batman Begin, TDK, TDKR) Marion Cotillard (Inception, TDKR) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception , TDKR).

Although I can say it’s 90/100 rated movie, no movie is perfect. I have, again, to detest Hollywood commodification of women, especially for their roles in the TDKR. I can't explain further as it will spoil the crucial plot, sorry. But  In the end, after watching The Dark Knight Rises, I made myself not only Batman’s fans yet to be Nolan’s as well. Bravo!

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Road to Europe (Part I)

Saya bukan termasuk mahasiswa dengan prestasi akademik yang outstanding. Bahkan skripsipun nggak berhasil saya tuntaskan tepat waktu. Walaupun begitu saya adalah orang yang percaya bahwa setiap orang punya satu kelebihan tertentu yang kadang tidak disadari oleh pemiliknya. Wait kenapa saya sebutin kelemahan saya tadi? Yes, karena saya ingin semua yang baca tahu, gelar dan angka akademik bukan segalanya. It may help a lot but there's thousand other ways to Rome (if you never ever surender to find it!). Ada juga yang pandai bukan main, tapi ternyata secara interpersonal-relationship ansos. Ada yang biasa aja, tapi temen dan networkingnya banyak. Nah apa kelebihan saya? Saya mungkin orang ternekat di dunia  rumah saya . Sebagai seorang risk taker nggak jarang saya  kena 'blunder' dari kenekatan saya, well at least it teaches me that trying something new is never useless. Saya pernah terjun dari genting setinggi 5 meter hanya dengan seutas tali tanpa alat pengaman lain,  dannnnn saya sehat wal'afiat sampe sekarang. Tuhan Maha Baik! wait ini bukan percobaan bunuh diri lho ya, saya cuma nyobain jadi Lara Croft aja sih, nyehehhe :p   (boleh tanya bapak ibu saya deh untuk kronologisnya-beliau saksinya). 

Tunggu! yang loncat tadi plis jangan ditiru yah! Emang awalnya cuma modal asal nekal, nekat yang jelek-jelek pernah kayak terjun bebas tadi  (saya nggak usah sebutin yg lain lah yaa) eh gagal-gagal-gagal,  lama-lama jadi punya pola. Hal apa yang harus dinekatin dengan perhitungan matang - karena itulah saya nggak boleh menyerah untuk sesuatu yang baik. Experience is a mean teacher, it  gives us test before giving the  lesson. Seperti ketika saya mengikuti Kompetiblog 2012 kemaren. Walopun memang menulis adalah passion saya, tapi saya bener-bener baru dalam kompetisi yang udah diadakan ke 4 kali-nya oleh Neso Indonesia kemaren. It really is a new stuff for me, soalnya liat yang kemaren-kemaren kayaknya serius banget sih ni kompetisi. Tulisannya juga bagus-bagus. saya bisa nggak ya? Ah nekat bikin aja! Dan seperti biasa kegiatan tulis menulis inih selalu di dukung maspatjar :p

Nah bagaikan dapet jackpot, lagi- lagi Tuhan bersama orang-orang yang nekat. Saya dibantuin dosen saya buat nyari ide nih, he's a really helpful and kind. Beliau ini udah lulus sari Utrecht University. Sumpee Ngefans! (Thankss again pak Taufiq) akhirnya setelah riset ngumpulin bahan (sampe ada folder tersendiri yang saya namain THIS IS YOUR TICKET TO NL). Akhirnya saya nulis deh 3 tulisan, nulisnya nggak lama kok. Ngeditnya yang lama, soalnya harus dipasin 500 kata, dan ternyata susah sekali mengakomodasi ide segitu banyaknya dengan tulisan yang seminimal mungkin. Akhirnya setelah saya rasa mantap dengan tulisan saya, saya kirim deh itu tulisan. Nah permasalahannya saya sempet sebel nih sama panitianya (maaf ya mbak Inty mbak Mira) karena ternyata temanya beda dari web Neso dan Studidibelanda-dan sempet protes gitu di twitter. (apa saya menang gara2 paling rewel yah .>_<) Saya nekat bikin satu tulisan lagi yang menurut saya lebih spesifik e tapi nggak ditampilin :( Sebenernya saya juga udah agak bete dan  pasrah kalo nggak menang setelah itu . Sampe beberapa waktu saya liat pengumuman 30 besar finalis dan ada namaku! Jadi semangat lagi deh! Dan akhirnya 4 Besar! And the first peson I told was my mom. I said 'mom sorry I not in the first place' 'That's okay dear you're always the champ for me'I think it's The best present ever :)

"Everything, everything is a competition. Whoever said winning wasn't everything... Never held a scalpel.- Grey's Anatomy"